Welcome to CGC Student community, We are updating this website, SORRY for inconvenience! Keep learning with free resources!

Help Your Juniors..

Welcome to our platform! We believe that sharing knowledge and resources is an essential part of the learning process, and we're excited to provide a space where students can collaborate and support each other.

Let Us Help

Share Your Content

Here's how it works:

Share your content: Do you have a great set of notes or a study guide that you've created? Share it with us! We welcome submissions from students on a variety of topics, including class notes, essays, study guides, and more.

Our team reviews your content: Once you submit your content, our expert team will review it to ensure that it meets our standards for quality and academic integrity. We may also provide feedback or suggest revisions to help improve the content.

We upload your content: Once your content has been approved, we'll upload it to our platform so that other students can benefit from your hard work. You'll be credited as the author of the content, and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you're helping other students succeed.

Why share your content with us?

Help other students: By sharing your content, you're making it easier for other students to learn and succeed. Your notes or study guides could be just what someone else needs to ace their next exam.

Get feedback: Our team of experts can provide feedback on your content to help you improve your writing, organization, and overall academic skills.

Earn recognition: We'll credit you as the author of the content, and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you're helping other students succeed.

We believe that everyone has something valuable to contribute to the learning community, and we're excited to see what you have to share! Get started today by submitting your content.

Having tough time?

Mental health is just as important as physical health!

For any assistance meet Dr. Gagandeep Ma'am Psychologist & Mental Health Counselor
Visit Time: 11 AM to 2 PM | Monday & Thursday | Vishwkarma Block, Near Chutter Putter, CGC Landran